Landlord and Agent Registration with Rent Smart Wales
Rent Smart Wales is a government-funded scheme that seeks to improve standards for rental properties in the country. It is a mandatory licensing and registration system for all landlords and agents who manage rented properties in Wales.
Rent Smart Wales was introduced in November 2015, with the aim of improving housing conditions, giving tenants more protection from rogue landlords, reducing homelessness, improving energy efficiency and providing support for good quality housing management
The Rent Smart Wales scheme has two main parts:
Registration and Licensing.
All landlords must register themselves with Rent Smart Wales by completing an online form on the Rent Smart Wales website or at one of their offices. After registering, they are expected to meet certain criteria such as ensuring gas safety checks are carried out regularly on all appliances and that their property meets minimum energy efficiency standards
Landlords who wish to manage their own properties must also obtain a Rent Smart Wales licence, which requires them to complete an approved training course. The Rent Smart Wales licensing system enables landlords to demonstrate their commitment to providing good quality housing and best practice in managing rented properties.

Rent Smart Wales also provides tenants with access to a range of support services, such as advice on rights, repairs and dispute resolution. It also provides guidance for landlords and agents on safe rental practices, tenancy agreements and evictions
The Rent Smart Wales scheme has been welcomed by both tenants and landlords alike as it helps ensure that all properties meet the highest safety standards while giving tenants more protection from rogue landlords. Rent Smart Wales is a great example of how the Welsh Government is committed to improving rental housing in the country. With Rent Smart Wales, tenants can have peace of mind that their property meets all safety regulations and that they will receive quality service from their landlord or agent
Rent Smart Wales is an essential part of safeguarding good quality housing in Wales and making sure that everyone has access to decent, safe and secure accommodation. The scheme is helping to improve standards for renters across the country, giving them more security and protection when renting a property. Rent Smart Wales ensures that everyone’s right to decent and affordable housing is respected, no matter where they live in Wales.
Attempting to register a property that is already registered to another person.
If another landlord has already registered the property you are attempting to register, you will not be able to do so until you provide us with documentation proving that you are in fact the landlord of said property.
The types of evidence that you can send us to confirm that you are the landlord of a property are
- - Land Registry documentation
- - Letter from a solicitor confirming ownership
- - Leasehold agreement
- - Property Deeds
- - Mortgage Documents

How do I know if I need a Landlord License for Wales?
If a landlord wants to do any of the activities listed below, they need a licence. If landlords don't have an agent, it's assumed that by default they'll be doing these activities.
Landlord Letting Activities
- arranging or conducting viewings with prospective tenants;
- gathering evidence to confirm the suitability of prospective tenants (for example, by confirming character references, undertaking credit checks or interviewing a prospective tenant);
- preparing, or arranging the preparation, of a tenancy agreement;
- preparing an inventory for the dwelling or schedule of condition for the dwelling.
Landlord Property Management Activities:
- - To collect rent from tenants
- - Be the key point of contact for tenants in case any problems or issues under the tenancy arise.
- making arrangements with a person to carry out repairs or maintenance;*
- making arrangements with a tenant or occupier of the dwelling to secure access for any purpose;
- checking the contents or condition of the dwelling, or arranging for them to be checked as part of a current tenancy or for one which has ended.
- Sending a notice to terminate a tenancy agreement
What are the Rent Smart fees?
You can find them here: