Starting a Tenancy Checklist for Landlord and Tenant
When starting a new tenancy, it's important for both landlord and tenant to use a checklist to make sure all the necessary paperwork is completed and that both parties understand their rights and responsibilities.
A landlord checklist should include items such as the lease agreement, security deposit, rental insurance, and other important documents. The tenant should also be sure to read through the lease agreement carefully and ask any questions before signing.
It's also important to go over the condition of the property with the landlord before moving in, so that there are no surprises later on. Taking photos or videos of the property can help document its condition.
By following these simple steps, landlord and tenant can help ensure a smooth start to the tenancy. By being prepared and working together, both parties can avoid potential conflicts down the road and focus on enjoying their new home.
The checklist below is used courtesy of the Government's model agreement.
1 Landlord’s checklist and key dates to remember
1.1 Checklist
[ ] I have checked that all adults living at the property as their only or main home have the right to rent property in the UK.
I have filled in the following clauses of the agreement:
[ ] B1.1 (the parties)
[ ] B2.1 (other occupiers)
[ ] B2.3 (maximum number of occupiers)
[ ] B3.1 (address and description of property)
[ ] B3.2 (common parts / shared facilities)
[ ] B3.4 (mortgaged property)
[ ] B4.1 (the term of the tenancy)
[ ] B6 (the rent)
[ ] B7 (whether council tax etc. included in the rent)
[ ] B8.1 (rent payment dates)
[ ] B8.3 (method of payment)
[ ] B10.1 (the deposit)
[ ] Section G (additional terms (if any))
[ ] Section H (contact details and service of written notices).

[ ] If an inventory and/or report of condition have been prepared, I have provided the tenant with a copy.
[ ] I have provided the tenant with information about the property and its installations (see clause B3.3).
[ ] If applicable, I have given the tenant a copy of the notice in Annex 2 (Prior notice to tenant of certain grounds for possession – see clause B5.2 and Annex 2).
[ ] I have provided a copy of the gas safety certificate and energy performance certificate to the tenant.
[ ] I have given the tenant a copy of the Government’s ‘How to Rent’ Guide (available on the private rented sector page at
[ ] (For all new tenancies after 1st July 2020 and for all existing tenancies after 1st April 2021): I have had the property's electrical installations inspected and tested by a qualified and competent person, completed any necessary remedial work and supplied a copy of the report from the person conducting the inspection and test to the new tenant before they occupied the premises, or the existing tenant within 28 days.
[ ] If the tenant has paid a tenancy deposit, I have protected the deposit in a Government approved tenancy deposit protection scheme and sent the tenant the relevant prescribed information about the deposit protection within 30 days of receiving the deposit. The deposit is no greater than five weeks’ rent (or six weeks’ rent if the annual rent on the property is greater than £50,000).
[ ] I have printed out copies of the agreement for myself and my tenant(s).
[ ] I have installed a smoke alarm on every floor used as living accommodation and a carbon monoxide detector in any room with a solid fuel burning appliance, again used as living accommodation.
[ ] I have checked the above alarms are in working order on the first day of the tenancy.
[ ] The property is fit for human habitation, as set out in the Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act 2018
1.2 Key dates for Lanlords to Remember

A. Deadline for protecting any deposit and sending prescribed information to tenant (see clause B10.1 and guidance note): [ ]
B. Next gas safety inspection due on or before: [ ]
C. Date on which fixed term ends (landlords should contact tenants well in advance of this date to agree what will happen at the end of the fixed term): [ ]
D. Next electrical safety inspection due (recommended every 5 years): [ ]
E. Date that first Right to Rent check was undertaken [ ]
F. Date that any subsequent Right to Rent check is due (only applicable where a tenant has limited right to rent) [ ]
2 Tenant’s checklist and key dates to remember
2.1 Checklist
I have read through and am content with the agreement and with the information that has been inserted into the following clauses:
[ ] B1.1 (the parties)
[ ] B2.1 (other occupiers)
[ ] B2.3 (maximum number of occupiers)
[ ] B3.1 (address and description of property)
[ ] B3.2 (common parts / shared facilities)
[ ] B3.4 (mortgaged property)
[ ] B4.1 (the term of the tenancy)
[ ] B6 (the rent)
[ ] B7 (whether council tax etc. included in the rent)
[ ] B8.1 (rent payment dates)
[ ] B8.3 (method of payment)
[ ] B10.1 (the deposit)
[ ] Section G (additional terms (if any))
[ ] Section H (contact details and service of written notices).
[ ] I have inserted my contact details in section H of the agreement and the landlord has done so also.
[ ] I have been given a copy of the Government’s ‘How to Rent’ guide and I have read and understood my rights and responsibilities.
[ ] I have been given a gas safety certificate, if there is a gas installation.
[ ] I have been given deposit paperwork, if I have provided a deposit.
[ ] I have been given the Energy Performance Certificate (unless a valid exemption applies).
[ ] (For all new tenancies after 1st July 2020 and for all existing tenancies after 1st April 2021): I have been given a copy of a report showing that the property's electrical installations have been inspected and any necessary remedial works have been completed.
[ ] If I have paid a tenancy deposit, I have received the prescribed information about in which of the Government approved tenancy deposit protection schemes my deposit is protected within 30 days of paying the tenancy deposit. I have paid a deposit no greater than 5 weeks rent where the total annual rent is less than £50,000, or 6 weeks’ rent were the total annual rent is £50,000 or above.
[ ] If I am responsible for paying for utilities (see clause B7), I have been given final meter readings by my landlord and understand that I am responsible for any consumption of gas etc. above the final readings.
2.2 Key dates
A. Rent due date (insert date e.g. 1st of every month) [ ]
B. Rent review dates (if it has been agreed that the landlord can review the rent annually, you may want to make a note of the latest date by which the landlord can send you a notice setting out the new rent for the forthcoming year and a note of the tenancy anniversary dates – see clause B6): [ ]
C. Deadline for comments on the inventory and/or report of condition if there is one (See clause B9): [ ]
D. Date on which fixed term tenancy ends (see clause B4.1): [ ]
E. Date that first Right to Rent check was undertaken [ ]
F. Date that any subsequent Right to Rent check is due (only applicable where a tenant has limited right to rent) [ ]